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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunny infrared

My Sunday filled with outing and experiment on infrared photography. Yes, landscapes infrared photography. Actually not a whole day, I just go out and take pictures about two hours of my weekend time. Heheehe. The day is so hot that is why I decide to try out my new infrared filters.

The infrared filters I bought from a friend in photomalaysia after get poisoned by his infrared images. He is using a modified infrared D-Slr body. So... he is now not using his filter. Thats how i get it :). Below is some of my experiment with the filters. I still in status of learning because I just received the filter on Friday. 

Why do I capture infrared images? Because I attracted the fantasy look of the images that we cannot see it in everyday life. The infrared is giving a different output for color. Infrared light is reflected by surround us includes green leaves and water and sky. It is simple, leaves reflect the light, sky and water absorb it.

 Human eyes only can see an infrared within a visible light. What I am doing is capturing a wavelength that we cannot see. That is in the ~700nm to ~1000nm, a near infrared length. The filter that I used is a 720nm infrared filter. Below is some simple graph explain the wavelength. Long-wavelength Infrared is a level that thermal goggle is using and I am not explain what is that. Google ya my friends~ hehehe. 

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