IR at Taman Tasik Permaisuri
On the last Saturday, my camera once again.... not have been used hahahaha. Why? because i am using modified cameras for shooting infrared. An outing have been organised by one of our known IR person in Klang, Shah Rol :) thanks to him also I got my way to IOI Jusco. Although I never been there my self( ada gk la telajak ke jalan lain,hahahah!!)
This time were are shooting model in infrared. I myself never try using and holding the modified body, using it is a different feel and setting. The outing has gone trough one day at Taman Tasik Permaisuri at Cheras. We has been tough some skill in composition and IR editing. And again thanks to Shah Rol and Che-Am :)
Thanks to our talent :) and also Shah Rol :)